Sunday, May 4, 2014

Preparing to Stream

It's early May and we know we will be on the road in about three weeks.   There's so much to do.   But, let's start at the beginning.

We sold our Safari Trek motorhome almost a year and a half ago.  We truly thought we had reached the end of our rving days.  We loved being home...but we missed the freedom and excitement and discovery and education that is part of traveling.  It took us eight months to admit to each other that we wanted to do more rving.  Ed expressed his dream about owning an Airstream (he IS an aerospace engineer!), so we started "looking."  It didn't take long to learn which model we wanted... and then suddenly there was one in St. Louis.  We traded my car for one that could tow the Airstream, drove to Missouri, and dragged it home.  When things are right the heavens align.

It's a beauty.  Perfect.  Well cared for.  And from a family that took us in as one of their own. Just meeting them was icing on the cake.  We plan to see Pat and his clan at some point on this current adventure.

The flamingo plays a large part in the world of Airstream - or so we learned very quickly.  I knit Estelle from a pattern I found on the Airstream discussion group on the web.  We named the rv after her.  Every Airstream acquires a name.  We considered the Silver Twinkie,  Waterheater in Repose,  her former name, The Silvery Goodness, and when she's been bad, The Silver T**d. Then, her daughter, Stella, appeared one day.  Estelle is a real slut.  We have accepted Stella and love her much as we love Estelle.

They just sit there and watch over us.

Here are a couple pictures of Estelle in her latest incarnation. She was born neutral.  We added the slipcovers, lounger for Ed, colored aluminium glasses, and throw pillows.  She's pretty comfy.  Finnegan likes her too.

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So, I'm off to finish packing.  Ed will make a 10 day trip to Israel before we leave.  Lots to get accomplished.

Oh, to contact us:  We will have email throughout the trip.  We won't be using the cell phones in Canada (most of July)  Comments can be left on this blog, but remember they are public.  Signing up will get you a notice each time I put up a post.  Come on and travel with us.
                                                             Susan and Ed

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