Sunday, June 29, 2014

Still on Prince Edward Island

As previously reported, we stayed in yesterday while "showers" managed to fall all day.
Today the prediction was for "rain" - and rain it did.  All day...
That, of course, did not keep us from exploring the island, so we set out
to see what kind of wine is produced on PEI.
The Matos Winery is owned by winemaker Jaime Matos and his wife Heather.
We tasted, we liked, we bought a bottle.  It will never make it back to the states
since we have begun the 4pm ritual of a glass of wine.  
As they say, "It's 4pm somewhere!"

We had a lovely visit with Jaime and Heather.  Heather recommended some restaurants
to the four of us.  Driving into Charlottetown we missed a turn and ended up in front of the 
Old Triangle Irish Alehouse - one of her recommendations.  We stopped for lunch
and had a great meal.  So much for cooking.  Ed eats cereal and I have yogurt tonight!

We headed out in the rain to visit a place that produced Gouda cheese.
Aren't the four of us adorable as we prepare to taste a myriad of Goudas?!?!

She started us off easy with plain.  Then we moved on to garlic, red pepper, mustard,
cumin, smoked, and on and on.  They are wonderful from plain through the entire tour.
Each of us purchased a favorite and we moved on.

The Sun Came Out!!!
We drove to North Rustico which just happens to have the best bakery on the
island.  Fresh from the oven rolls, breads, and pastries.
O.K.  We bought these little mini apple tarts with butter crust, chunks
of apple, and lots of cinnamon.  I'd be posting a photo of them, but I can't...

North Rustico has a perfect boardwalk that leads to the wharf area.  Fishing boats
can be hired from here, there's a gift shop, stacks of lobster traps, chowder cafes...

....and a light house.  Finn and I are sitting on the porch.

It's so nice to have the sun shining after 3 days of rain.

It was recommended to us that we not miss the musical production of
"Anne and Gilbert."
Expensive tickets, spirited and very young cast, great costumes, lots of
songs and dances, a lot on the hokey side, but lots of fun.

While we were in Charlottetown waiting for showtime, Ed
got involved in a discussion with this man.  I don't know how long
he talked before he realized it was a statue....
There are statues all over Charlottetown.  The cutest are the six
inch tall mice sitting in all sorts of places.   

Driving along the coast, we came on this view of part of the Confederation
Bridge with just a few lupin along the road.
We are heading to Halifax in the morning across this very bridge.

We finished our visit to PEI with a salmon and bratwurst BBQ
complete with some new mosquito bites.  Perfect.

And the adventure continues...

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