Monday, September 29, 2014

The Most Perfect Ending

I remember when my children were little, my mother used to say after a trip
to Los Angeles that she understood why "the young" have children.  
I never quite got it, the meaning of that statement.  All the grandparents 
came to visit, provided all the babysitting, meal making, playtime,
diaper changing, hugging, holding, and approval that any child could want.
And they always exuded love..and the children knew it.

So, here we are in New Orleans doing all of the above and loving every
single second.  Then - we return to the Airstream and collapse - happy,
fulfilled, warm of heart, looking forward to tomorrow's adventure.

We've had a wonderful welcome from Sarah and Ben and have
spent time talking about where we all want our relationships to go.
It's been a real "family" visit.

We been to the Children's Museum,  Storybook Land. 
the Aquarium, the Art Museum, and the Zoo.
Rowan doesn't seem to be able to walk in these places.  She runs!  Her little legs
carry her at high speed so we are also getting our exercise chasing.

This is Sarah and Ben's house in New Orleans.

And this is Rowan's playroom in that house.
She plays her piano, types "invoices" on her keyboard,
keeps her books in a basket, and her dolls in the teepee.

She flirted shamelessly with Saba.  She brought him books and
cuddled up while he read to her.

She and Saba sat on the floor in her playroom and
played the harmonica together.

This is the back seat of our car.
Car seat, stroller, and Rowan with her raisin cup.
She was always ready to go with us.

She played full energy at the Children's Museum.
The grocery was a natural for her and she filled her basket to the top.

Storybook Land at City Park
Rowan's first look at the Carousel was magical.

She danced to the music and ran around the perimeter.

Most of her time with The Three Pigs was
spent twiddling their tails.

She LOVED the Aquarium the most.
She was mesmerized by the close encounters.

Her favorite was the sea horses.  She ran around the display
and got excited when the swam by her face.

Sting Rays whizzed by her hands.  I think
one touched her but she didn't notice because she was
watching them swim.

The is Rowan at the Art Museum.

Our last day New Orleans was Rosh Hashonah, the Jewish New Year.
We had a wonderful breakfast together, dipping apples in honey, eating
blintzes, lox, whitefish and round holiday raisin challah.
Then, we went to the Zoo.

Rowan had her first ride on the carousel sitting on an Estelle flamingo
between her mom and dad.
She loved it!

Watching Sarah, Ben and Rowan...
a loving family.
Couldn't ask for more than that!

We love you Rowan Lane...

Heading for home, we stopped in Fort Worth to see the Amon Carter Museum.
There are a few places there we'd like to share with Rowan....

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